Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I felt great running week 3. It wasn’t too easy or too hard, just the right amount of exercise.  Also I can barely run 2 minutes at a time I feel I am making good progress.  Of course, compared to the C25K I am definitely behind, but consider my current fitness level I have learned to be content with where I am.  So it may take a few more weeks for me to run a full 5K without stopping.

Good thing I built in about two weeks of buffer between eight weeks of ZR5K training plan and the Pittsburgh Great Race so hopefully I can get caught up and be able to successfully run 5K before the race.  My goal for the race is to run the entire race without walking or stopping.  The 5K course during the Pittsburgh Great Race is running from Oakland to Downtown which is predominately downhill except for during mile 2 there is a lot of uphill sections.  I am mostly worried about the uphill section during mile 2 because there aren’t any hills where I live so I am training on a very flat course.  After the race and hopefully after I can run 5K without stopping I would like to run a regular schedule of 4 days a week.  Gradually increase my mileage and build in some cross training.  I would eventually be able to improve my 5K speed and maybe run a 10K.

The ZR5K storyline gets more interesting this week. I met Abel’s quartermaster Francesca who seemed really nice and is very creative at cooking with whatever is available.  Francesca also mentioned that some supplies missing and she is the only one with keys to the storeroom.  I also met runner 10 who is very scientific minded. Next time he wants to do experiments with chained zombies, he can be the subject himself and I will take notes instead.  I find runner 10 very creepy indeed.  On the last day I was commissioned to pick up some medical supplies and had to run away from zombies, glad to be doing something useful for a change. 

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

I feel better about running during week two workouts because I felt silly running for only 15 seconds intervals during the first week. We have now been upgraded to running 30 seconds (much better, right?); well I still feel silly because I had to stop running and do heel lifts.  I did them faithfully anyway and ignored any weird looks I received.  ZR5K gives you the freedom of determining how much you can run during the free form runs.  For people who think the workouts are too easy, they can run during the ten minutes free form run.  I can’t run the entire 10 minutes but I did as much I can.  I am not sure if I like this since I tend to be lazy and probably don’t push myself as much as I should.  I am curious how does the ZR5K compare to the traditional C25K plan?  I did an analysis (nerd, I know) to compare the running time between the two. 

From the analysis above, I would need to run quite a bit during the free form to run similar amount of time as C25K.  I will have to push myself during the free run more. 

Runner 5 met more people from Abel during week two.  During the first run Rajit joined Sam and Doctor Myers in the comms booth; yes his novel was the first reward I received and still have to read it yet.  This time he gave me a set of sheets as my reward. Much more useful. On the second run Sam joined me out in the field.  I thought he was there for my company, turns out he had an agenda.  During the run he kind of freaked out and took off by himself.  I had to run after him, so my one minute running interval became over 2 minutes.  I have a feeling something unexpected will happen every week and Doctor Myers will make me run more than the planned intervals. Anyways he went after the previous Runner 5's (Alice) wallet. It was obviously important to him.  But he seemed more depressed than ever.  During the last run, Janine persuaded Doctor Myers to let me collect trash today.  Yayh! Nothing exciting but I did receive an axe as a reward.